$299.00 USD

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LinkedIn Profile Booster

A self-paced course that walks you through the 15 steps to take your online presence from amateur to professional. 

By the end of the program, you’ll  be proud of your LinkedIn profile and feel confident anytime someone googles your name. Attract the right connections and opportunities.

LinkedIn Profile Booster guides you with step by step training to help you update your profile even if tech is not your thing and you’ve forgotten your LinkedIn password it’s been so long. 

LinkedIn Profile Booster helps you avoid the common pitfalls people make on LinkedIn so you’ll never suffer from embarrassment or worry you’re doing it wrong.

LinkedIn Profile Booster gives you the credibility and recognition you deserve for all of your hard work. 

Here’s How We Roll:

  • 5 modules including goal setting, building your killer first impression profile, positioning and presentation, and networking
  • Members portal that gives you access to the course 24/7